Tag Archives: portfolio

For Honor – New Job @ Ubisoft Montreal

As of November 2017, I’ve left Rockstar San Diego and I now work at Ubisoft Montreal again. I’m currently a Network Programmer on For Honor!

It’s been a long couple of years and I haven’t been as active on the blog or website as I would like to be. Perhaps that will change soon. I would like to return to reviewing recently played games, including board games, and doing some programming on the side.

We will see.

“Bunduru” Chess AI

For Marist Artificial Intelligence, my buddy Phil and I had to make a Chess AI. The professor hosted a server that would manage teams and a 2D display of games. AIs had to manage gamestates and submit moves to the server, as well as receive new moves when it wasn’t the AI’s turn. The server managed whether moves were valid or not and would update the 2D display when the AIs submitted their turn. After several weeks of development, all the teams competed their AIs against each other.

And we won!

Read on to learn about our AI.

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Operating System

ctOS – 6502 TypeScript Operating System

For my Operating Systems class, I was tasked with making an Operating System simulation using basic OS architecture and 6502 operations.

Using TypeScript, I implemented a CPU, CPU scheduler with 3 scheduling methods, memory manager for RAM, kernel interrupt and ready/resident queue, hard drive and hard drive driver with swap virtual memory. I also added neat features like achievements, boot video, step mode, and tons of little special commands.

It was one of my favorite projects of all time in my education. It was a lot of fun to implement new achievements into something like an Operating System and the design for ready queues/CPU scheduling was really interesting. I also found a new language to love. TypeScript is a JavaScript transpiler that gives type checking and more to JS, made by none other than Microsoft. I’m a strict type kind of guy, and it has been my biggest pet peeve of JS for a long time. TypeScript was a god send, and will be what I use whenever I have to write JS now. Combined with native debugging in Visual Studio, it can be extremely powerful and helpful. It makes Object Orientated programming in JS to be a breeze.

There are a bunch of built in programs to ctOS you can find in the sidebar, but feel free to make your own. There was discussion on how it would easily be possible to read/write executable programs to the hard drive, and with a few more op codes, you could have the simplified 6502 CPU do some pretty legit algorithms like merge sort and stuff. Its a fun Operating System.

Feel free to check it out here:

Source & Readme:

Rubiks Cube AI Part 1 – Parity

Rubiks Cubes! I cant solve them to completetion for the life of me. But now I can just solve them using an AI.

But before jumping into heuristics, A* algorithms, and all kinds of solving. First, let us consider a random Rubiks Cube itself. Is the cube actually solveable in the first place? Can we go from the random state pictured above to a solved cube?

The answer is no. The Rubiks Cube parity has been altered!

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Ubisoft Montreal GameJam 2014 – “You & I”

Team Omega’s Ubisoft GameJam project – “You, Me, Pigs In A Forest”

A spooky co-op game that features the theme of “You & I”.
One player controls a lantern and the other a sword. Enemies cannot be hit with the sword unless they are vulnerable from the lantern light. The lantern player is powerless to defend himself and the sword player has no light source. They must stick together to survive but are sometimes forced to separate.

Using Unity Pro, we employed depth of field and noise filters to create a cinematic quality to the darkness.
A custom shader I made gives maps a “fog of war” where shadows envelop the player, and only the lantern has the ability to shine through. If the sword player moves out of the lantern, the darkness completely covers him.
Enemies employ the Unity nav mesh system to follow and hunt the player down in swarms.


Today I Learned: Connections Can Come From Anywhere

So GDC 2014 starts this Monday and as much as I want to go, I only went last year to shoot for an awesome internship. The people, the booths, the information were all great but its hard to justify the cost to get down there right now especially now that I do have an awesome internship at Ubisoft.

But something hilarious happened today in relation to GDC and, to some it might not be a big deal, but to me its just… WOW the coincidence. And its just so inspiring and now if I truly had the money, I’d jump right back on the plane to GDC again.

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Holy Double GameJam Batman!

Wow! Just participated in 2 game jams in back-to-back weekends.

I finished hosting Marist Game Society’s student GameJam last week and this weekend, Carrot Island decided to participate in a MiniLudum Dare. We’re all over the place!
As they say, To the moon!!! ┗(°0°)┛

Read on to see what our games are about!

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Oculus Rift Dev Kit Impressions

Finally had some time with my Oculus Rift development kit over the last few weeks and I’ve been very impressed with the technology.

For those not in the know, the Oculus Rift is a Virtual Reality headset that tracks the player’s head movement while displaying 3D video games, pictures, or movies. It is extremely wild and definitely will mark the beginning of a VR resurgence.

Read on for more…
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